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2024 Yearly Meeting Sessions
Heartland Friends Meeting ~ Wichita, KS
May 30 - June 1, 2024
NEW GPYM Book Discussion
Sinners in the Hands of a LOVING God,
by Brian Zahnd

A Faithful Walk With God
2 Corinthians 4:8-12

Guest Speaker Emily Provance,
a member of Fifteenth Street Monthly Meeting in New York Yearly Meeting, is called to a ministry of hearth building–that is, she feels called to the work of creating a home for Friends, a community rich with opportunities that are so nourishing that each of us can then turn around and minister in the world, fully fed.
She is a speaker, writer, and workshop facilitator on topics ranging from multiage inclusion to outreach to organizational effectiveness.

Check out the info below that informs the world perspective of the beautiful wider world of Friends!!

Visitation to Hominy Friends Meeting, Dec. 4, 2022. Presented with the high honor of blankets and kind words.
LaVonna Loesch, Carole Rivard (Hominy Friends Meeting Presiding Clerk) & Robin Mohr
World Quaker Day
The invitation this year is engage with the word 'ubuntu', which is important to Friends in Southern Africa, where the next World Plenary will be. There is so much to engage with:
Check out: The video and exploration of ubuntu on the FWCC website
The piece on the Quakers in Britain blog:
The article about ubuntu published in The Friend, Western Friend, Australian Friend and New Zealand Friends Newsletter:
The epistle of Southern Africa Yearly Meeting:
The latest Quakers in France Newsletter also leads with ubuntu, as does Among Friends, and FWCC's publication Friends World News:

Who we are...
Great Plains Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Friends (GPYM) is a fellowship of Quaker meetings and worship groups in Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. GPYM is a diverse yearly meeting, embracing Friends from a broad spectrum of faith and practice. As a yearly meeting, we are part of Friends United Meeting. Three of our local meetings are also dually affiliated with Friends General Conference. Our unity is the Spirit of Christ, who gathers us together in love and will show us our way forward
as we humbly seek to know and live God's will for us.
We believe all people can have a direct relationship with the Living Christ. Based on our experience of Christ's present-day teaching, we bear witness to the testimonies of Friends, including:
· Truth: we are called to directness and honesty in action and word,
remaining open to new things God has to teach us.
· Simplicity: we keep our attention on Christ's present guidance,
avoiding that which distracts us from Him.
· Peace: we seek to lead lives that demonstrate the love that God has for each of us,
working to remove the causes of war.
· Equality: we uphold the dignity of all people.
· Stewardship: we hear and seek to obey Christ's command to respect his creation - to care for
our land, water and all living things.
From: GPYM Ministry & Counsel
To: Great Plains Yearly Meeting
May 31, 2019
Subject: Statement of Inclusion, approved 4:50 p.m., 5-31-2019
We of Great Plains Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends recognize there is that of God in every person, and as people of faith and followers of Christ, we know that the tapestry of humanity is woven with the varied threads of God’s beloved people.1 Different and alike, we are all God’s creations. God calls us to love one another as God loves us.2 Our views are informed by scripture and our own experience of God’s love and grace. Thus, we affirm that people of any race, ethnicity, religious belief or nonbelief, nationality, socio-economic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, mental or physical capacity are welcome in our midst and are invited to fully participate if the life of Great Plains Yearly Meeting. Our Quaker testimonies of equality, peace and community inspire our goal to extend grace, inclusion and love to all.
1 John 3:16-17
2 Mark 12:31; Matthew 5:43-47; John 15:12-14; 1 John 4:7-12; Galatians 3:28-29 & 5:5-6