Grade 9-11 Westtown School Scholarship available. Click here.
Curious about Quakers?
The Religious Society of Friends is a diverse, worldwide Christian movement based on the experience of Christ's presence in our hearts and with us in community. While Friends have no set creed, the person of Jesus Christ - as known in our personal experience and as witnessed to in the Scriptures - is central to our faith. If you would like to learn more about Friends' beliefs, feel free to visit the sites listed below.
"The Christian Faith of Friends" is published by Friends United Meeting, which is the broader Friends association that Great Plains Yearly Meeting is a part of. "What Friends Believe" is from Ohio Yearly Meeting, which represents the Conservative Friends tradition. is a site that provides maps and directions to Quaker Meetings and churches across the world. It also provides a brief introduction to the Friends tradition.
You Are Welcome Among Friends.
To learn more, please feel free to visit us at any of our Meetings.